Susan Henderson Park is a maker.
Regarding the source of inspiration for her work, Susan says:
My grandmother, Elma Melville Henderson, was an artist. She studied under California Impressionist Maurice Braun which further developed her artistic vision. She shared this vision not only through her art, but with words as well. Her way of seeing was passed on and nurtured. Guided to look closely at the lines, shapes and forms around me, she taught me to STOP and revel in the curves of a leaf or the unfurling of a tender frond. I use her name to honor her gift of seeing with eyes truly open.
This heritage fostered a fascination with the magnificence of the created world. Whether expressed as fantasy forms derived from a stored vocabulary of design or attempts to express what I see in life - whether paint, clay, drawing or collage, whether two-dimensional or three, all are informed by a delight and awe in the beauty that surrounds us.