Paintings - Artist Statement

It is an honor to share my work here. I have enjoyed painting since I can remember. There is just something wonderful about touching brush to canvas - there is no feeling quite like it! I was created to be a maker and hope that you enjoy viewing this work as much as I enjoy making it.

Not long ago, I was surprised to find that I was done - at least for the time being - with a series that had captured my attention for about twenty years: Earthen Vessesls. Due to this unexpected course of events, I am now on a new journey with my art and am exploring the everyday wonder of the creation that surrounds us all. It is my fervent wish that my delight and wonder in this glory is contagious and awakens viewers to mystery of the designed world in which we live.

I hope that you will join me on this journey by sharing your thoughts and insights as I explore new ways to communicate with my art!
